Datey Ladies with Barbara Ann & Vera Duffy

DL069 – The Narcissist in Your Life – part 3 “Carousel of Love”

Part 3 of our review, featuring guest reviewer Kitten DeVille – plus, our time hosting the World Famous Burlesque Showcase at Viva Las Vegas 27!

Also – Bibi has a news flash (tattoo) about her last relationship.

DL067 – The Narcissist in Your Life – part 1 “Just Kitten”

Neo-Burlesque legend KITTEN DEVILLE joins us in reviewing THE NARCISSIST IN YOUR LIFE: RECOGNIZING PATTERNS AND LEARNING TO BREAK FREE. After suddenly losing Shawn, her beloved husband of 36 years, Kitten found herself back in the dating world with unexpected results. (Spolier: this book comes in handy.)

She gave us some photos; we couldn’t pick just one…