Datey Ladies with Barbara Ann & Vera Duffy

DL046 – Heartbreak: A Personal and Scientific Journey – part 1

We did it! We reviewed an actual DATING-TYPE BOOK!!! Please enjoy our take on chapters 1-3 of Florence Williams’s kayaklicious-tome.

And also: Krampii!

Two horrific beasts (bottom) with a couple Krampuseses. (photo by Taylor Wong / Brookledge)

Read more about the “rickety bridge experiment” (aka “misattribution of arousal”) here.

DL011 – Getting To I Do

The twins explore the work of one Dr. Patricia Allen, including her weekly call-in show on LA Talk Radio (tl;dl? Skip to 32:30!) Trigger warning: this episode contains discussion of sexual assault.

But first, a tribute to their departed friend, artist Albert Cuellar. Please visit his Instagram @ArtSpecter1 to see his work with Tim Burton, Slayer, and much more.

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Albert, Blaine, and Vera at an art show, 2003

DL005 – Love in the Time of Cholera

WE DID IT! WE FINISHED THE BOOK! Discover why it took us so long, and Vera’s explanation of why a damn parrot’s on the book cover. And then….

…as promised in our intro, a very specific list of ways to support the #BlackLivesMatter movement:

You can find one near you on this list of lists.

2. DONATE to a cause
Here is another list of lists, but if you want us to choose for you, consider Black Lives Matter, Reclaim The Block, or the good ol’ ACLU.

3. EDUCATE yourself by watching 13TH
Ava DuVernay’s documentary reveals the historical relationship of race, economics, and mass incarceration in the United States, and Netflix has made it available FOR FREE on YouTube. (Spoiler: Police abuse against America’s Black citizenry is not by accident, but by design.)

John Oliver’s “Police” episode of LAST WEEK TONIGHT is also informative and also free on YouTube.

4. Read up on #DEFUNDPOLICE
Does it sound scary? It’s not. It’s just catchier than #REALLOCATE-FUNDS-TO-MORE-APPROPRIATE-AGENCIES-BECAUSE-SIMPLY-REFORMING-POLICE-ISN’T-WORKING. Here’s a short article to get you on your way. And after you do that…

SUPER easy. These are PRECOMPOSED EMAILS with the appropriate recipients already added, and all it takes is a few clicks.
i. Visit
ii. Find your city (or fill out the form to have yours added).
iii. “Allow” the website to compose an email.
iv. Tailor the email. Make it your own. Or better yet, write your own.
v. Send.

You can also create your own tiny URL email to share by following the instructions here.

6. Tell us the SPECIFIC ACTIONS that have gotten you results.
We’re new at this. We’re listening. Message or comment to us on Instagram @DateyLadies

Thank you.