Datey Ladies with Barbara Ann & Vera Duffy

DL050 – Misses Romantics

Our upcoming live performance of The Slap Booth, Vera’s hospital husb, and a Reilly great show that un-Hinges Barbara:

My trunk or yours?

And yes, that’s right – we are performing this Saturday, February 4th, as part of Blonde Brunette Productions’s PEEK-A-VIEW. 9pm at Hello Stranger, 320 E. 2nd Street, Los Angeles. Get tickets here!

DL028 Twinterlude – K-Hole Filler

Barbara admits to a killing, Cosby admits to being a monster, and Putin admits to nothing — but we know his secret and we’re sharing with you. Not every day can be a rave at an ostrich farm, but we’re searching for glimmers of serotonin. Join us.

DL027 Twinterlude – Forg-edit-bout It

What does heartbreak, pole dancing, Bill Cosby and the GAME OF THRONES Starbucks cup have in common? The DATEY LADIES podcast of course!

Plus, shout out to costume designer and friend Rebecca Seven!

Rebecca Seven’s nurse costumes on Poubelle Twins, featuring Rebecca Seven!

DL022 Twinterlude – Orgy Story

The twins disagree on what exactly constitutes a Vampire Orgy. Plus! Listener Prix De Beaute shares her swingin’ How We Met story! And we thank some big tippers <3


Vera’s rad fanny pack.

Baby Milo’s donor’s Go Fund Me.

DL021 Twinterlude – 2021 Recap

We recap what we’ve learned over 2021 through our book selections, twinterviews, and life in general.

Some links!

Natasha Estrada’s podcast Fearless and Braless

Laura Richards’ podcast Crime Analyst – look out for the “Forgotten Victims” episodes

Email dateyladies at gmail dot com for your own Poubelle Twins Holiday card!